Upload the .json file of your colormap here


Global Distances

The cell (i,j) contains the distance between the i-th and j-th color of the color map, which are displayed on the diagonal.

CieLAB 1976

Maximum =

Average =

Minimum =

Deviation =

CieLAB 2000

Maximum =

Average =

Minimum =

Deviation =

CieCAM 2002

Maximum =

Average =

Minimum =

Deviation =

Global Speeds

The cell (i,j) contains the ratio of the distance between the i-th and j-th color of the color map and the difference of their corresponding values. The higher the global speed, the better global discriminative power of the colormap.

CieLAB 1976

Maximum =

Average =

Minimum =

Deviation =

CieLAB 2000

Maximum =

Average =

Minimum =

Deviation =

CieCAM 2002

Maximum =

Average =

Minimum =

Deviation =

Local Speeds

The height of each column i shows the ratio of the distance between the i-th and (i+1)-st color of the color map and the difference of their corresponding values. The higher the locaƶ speed, the higher is the colormap's' local discriminative power in this area.

CieLAB 1976

Maximum =

Average =

Minimum =

Deviation =

CieLAB 2000

Maximum =

Average =

Minimum =

Deviation =

CieCAM 2002

Maximum =

Average =

Minimum =

Deviation =

Global Triangle Distance Difference

The cell (i,j) contains the asolute value of the mimum of |c(i)-c(j)|-|c(i)-c(k)| over all k between i and j (i < k < j). As long as it is positive, the middle color is closer to each of the two outer ones than theses are to each other. That means, the colormap has an intuitive order everywhere between i and j. That is why, we only plot the values that are nageative, i.e. where the global, intuitive order is violated.

CieLAB 1976

Minimum =

CieLAB 2000

Minimum =

CieCAM 2002

Minimum =

If there are k between i and j that violates the intuitive order, we plot the color c(k) that does so the most, i.e. the one that produces the minimum diplayed in the visualization above.

CieLAB 1976

CieLAB 2000

CieCAM 2002

Local Triangle Distance Difference

The height of each column i shows the absolute value of the minimum of |c(i)-c(i-1)|-|c(i+1)-c(i-1)| and |c(i+1)-c(i)|-|c(i+1)-c(i-1)|. As long as it is positive, the middle color c(i) is closer to each of the two outer ones than theses are to each other. That means, the colormap has a local, intuitive order in this area. The bars strat at zero.

CieLAB 1976

Minimum =

CieLAB 2000

Minimum =

CieCAM 2002

Minimum =


The stress is a global measure of how much the average color difference deviates from the corresponding value differeneces.

CieLAB 1976

Stress =

CieLAB 2000

Stress =

CieCAM 2002

Stress =

The Values for Copying

Columns are separated with "," and if applicable rows with ";" and the third tensor direction with ":".

Color Measure \ Distance Metric

CieLAB 1976

CieLAB 2000

CieCAM 2002

Global Distances

Global Speeds

Local Speeds

Triangle Distance Differences

Min Triangle Distance Differences

Local Triangle Distance Difference